Quality Control Tools

Data Buoys

Monthly Statistics


Daily Data plots

Other Tools

Buoys and VOS monthly statistics

!! NEW tool for Buoys and VOS monthly statistics (extended)
BUOYS Blacklists Synthesis
BUOYS Pressure ( Global )
BUOYS Pressure ( Surfmar )
BUOYS Pressure ( MF )
BUOYS SST ( Global )
BUOYS Positions ( Global )
BUOYS Ashore ( Global )
Some explanations here
Plots of data and differences with model outputs for BUOYS and VOS
Google Earth BUOYS map
Nearest BUOYS
BUOYS location on map
Thermistor String BUOYS

VOS Ships

VOS Blacklists Synthesis
VOS Pressure ( Global )
VOS Pressure ( Surfmar )
VOS Positions ( Global )
VOS Wind (Surfmar)
VOS Unknown ( Global )
VOS Pressure ( US )
VOS Timeliness ( Surfmar )
S-AWS Timeliness ( Surfmar )

Blacklists (daily updated) :
List of stations with dubious values for a given parameter ( wind, sst, pressure, ... ) for all stations or E-SURFMAR stations only.

VOS Indiv Control Panels
VOS Observation Counters
VOS European AWS list
VOS European Conv. list
VOS European platform list

Location of a buoy on a map. Search for buoys close to another one or a given location.
Access to Individual control panels for VOS and consult VOS observation counters.

Statistics of comparisons with models outputs established by different meteorological centres. Enter the parameter and the station(s) you wish.

Plots of data and plots of differences with some model outputs (QC plots) over the past 30 days for buoys or VOS.

WEB Designed by Jean-Pierre KERSERHO/Svetlana JAOUEN - Meteo France - Aout 2009 Any comments